

If you are suffering a problem with your tongue bite or the spacing between your teeth, in that case, you will need professional orthodontic dental care. Orthodontia is defined as one of the departments of dentistry that deals with anomalies of the teeth and jaw. Orthodontics treatment can be inclusive of open bites, crooked teeth, overbite teeth, and toothy. This type of treatment includes (Invisalign), which can be performed by wireless orthodontics, which can be done without using braces. One more type called (incognito), the wire can be attached to the inside of the teeth, which can be used in some treatments.

How Long is Orthodontic Treatment?

As the treatment age also varies from person to person, the duration of treatment also varies according to the character of the problem. The shortest duration of treatment is 6 months. Treatments lasting for 1-2 years are in the majority.
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